Have you ever thought about how healthy it would be to have spaces free from electromagnetic pollution? Noxtak promotes the creation of an independent association that furthers this purpose. We tell you more about EFEIA.
You probably don’t realize it, but you are daily exposed to an invisible and, apparently, imperceptible type of pollution; not only on the street but in your office, your home, and all the places you frequent. Electrosmog (electromagnetic pollution) is present in our day to day and grows as our technological needs increase. Now, how do we prevent this pollution from affecting us in a world as technified as today’s world?
At NOXTAK, we have dedicated ourselves for years to researching this phenomenon and its repercussions on health, the environment, and the many devices that generally exist. In our years of study and experimentation, we created a novel and different solution that, unlike anti-radiation products, repolarizes electromagnetic waves from artificial sources and cleans them without the need to block them.
The creation of SPIRO made us understand there were better ways to continue using technologies without the need to block the waves and without risks to health or the environment, so we set out to promote the creation of an independent organization that, together with experts on the subject, will carry out awareness-raising activities, research, and the creation of a new standard of clean technologies. Thus was born the EFEIA.
In this article, Joaquín Machado, co-founder of NOXTAK and founder of EFEIA, tells us in detail about this new organization, its purpose, and future projects derived from it.
What is EFEIA?
EFEIA is the Electrosmog Free Environments International Association. This is a non-profit association that is dedicated to creating a research platform for case studies and to generate a global census of electrohypersensitivity. In other words, it is an association that, in its own way, protects technologies and controls electrosmog under a non-blocking approach.
The purpose of this association, globally speaking, is to promote an electrosmog-free world through the creation of electro-healthy spaces and technologies. We also want to protect from electrosmog the largest number of apiaries in the world in the shortest time possible and promote a global census of EHS (Electrohypersensitivity), as well as promote case studies of passive protection EHE (Electro-Healthy Environment) to people with EHS through of clean technologies certified EHD (Electro-Healthy Device).
How was this association born?
This is an initiative that I founded with the support of Noxtak. As you may know, it took about 30 years to reach a scientific consensus on whether or not artificial electromagnetic fields and waves were harmful to human health. Today, we finally have enough evidence of harm for consensus within the scientific establishment, and since 2007, several studies have been made public alerting society about this problem.
Finally, in 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) concluded the CARCINOGENIC potential for humans that RF (Radiofrequency) has, as indicated in the Bioinitiative Report of 2012. In the following 2 years, 2012 and 2013, more than 1,800 studies that supported this new consensus were published.
Scientific evidence shows that sustained exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation has serious health and biological effects. However, public exposure regulations in most countries are still outdated. Different actors propose different solutions, but unless all forces come together, there will be no major impact.
This organization was born precisely to cover that need, and its objective is to bring everyone to the table to discuss and act on this problem, from communities to governments, small and large companies, and all individuals who want to collaborate in the purpose of creating a planet free of electromagnetic pollution.
Why create a standard?
Today, many fake and pseudoscientific products claim to be a viable solution to achieve 100% control of electrosmog but lack independent verification, common criteria, and external consensus to validate it. In these cases, what the EFEIA seeks is to create an organized standard of products and devices that have the characteristics required to guarantee an EHE or an electro-healthy environment.
Likewise, we seek to promote a consensus on what an EHD or an electro-healthy device is; in other words, a device that, even if it works with electricity or telecommunications, can leave a clean electromagnetic footprint and fall into a category of healthy technology.
What are EFEIA certifications?
As I already mentioned, EFEIA is committed to raising the standard of protection on Non-Ionizing Radiations from artificial sources, to achieve this, like the IGEF (International Association for Electrosmog Research), we defend the principle of ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable).
Now, what happens when we cannot lower the electromagnetic emission of a device or a certain area any further? Well, at EFEIA we believe that the only sustainable, achievable, and realistic vision is that, in addition to applying the ALARA principle, we adopt new manufacturing protocols that seek to optimize the fields, reduce emissions and, finally, apply capable technologies to filter the emissions present passively, neutralizing the harmful effects remaining in these fields; but understanding that, ultimately, the big problem is not so much the intensity of the radiation, the problem lies in the Artificial Polarization of said waves.
With this vision, the EHE (Electro-Healthy Environment) and EHD (Electro-Healthy Device) Certification Programs were created to have a validation standard for all technologies capable of partially or complying with these principles. This program seeks to be the verification point for anyone who wants to venture into the range of Human-Friendly solutions.
Why push for a global EHS census?
At EFEIA we promote the investigation of cases of EHS (Electrohypersensitivity) and we believe that it is necessary to standardize a simple test that allows us to infer whether an individual may be developing electromagnetic hypersensitivity or EHS. For this, EFEIA adopts the 29 common symptoms test, developed by the NOXTAK CENTER, as a preliminary exploratory protocol to globally identify as many cases as possible and stop them.
This census also has the objective of educating the communities about how common is this condition and how it’s constantly growing; furthermore, we want it to be used as a method to promote greater institutional, academic, and governmental research on this phenomenon and how it is affecting the population.
In this organization, we are convinced that EHS is not a disease, but rather a condition that manifests itself in a smaller percentage of people who have a genetic propensity to environmental sensitivities. The problem is not in the person, but in the electromagnetically toxic environment that surrounds them and is not properly controlled for their free movement and normal functioning in daily life.
We believe in the principle proposed in Sweden by Prof. Olle Johansson, who poses EHS as a functional disability, and we want to work with local governments and municipalities to work on creating electrosmog-free zones. We even go further, as the EHE Certification program promotes the vision of evaluating environments and determining the electromagnetic footprint present in said environment, as well as promoting a standard that allows electromagnetic sanitation and hygiene in that place.
How can I be a collaborator or volunteer at EFEIA?
First, we invite you to visit the website of the Association www.efeia.org, learn about the Vision of the Association and its objectives, projects, and aspirations. Get in touch with us and tell us where you are and how you want to join this initiative and collaborate.
For us, there are several avenues for any person, group, or organization to join and contribute:
- As an EFEIA Spokesperson: educating in your locality and social media channels about this electromagnetic problem, in affinity with the vision of coexisting with technologies, but healthily and responsibly.
- As an EFEIA Ambassador: promoting the study, research, assistance, and follow-up of EHS cases for your community, your circle of influence and professional network; in this way, you promote the conducting of a global EHS census. As well as promoting and providing assistance for the monitoring of Apiary protection projects.
- As an EFEIA Representative: in addition to performing activities as a spokesperson and ambassador, the representative acts as an EFEIA contact in a specific location, coordinating, supervising, and executing EFEIA research projects, or serving as a local auditor of EHE and EHD certification programs.
Why support this initiative?
As an EMF researcher, I am the main promoter behind the creation of EFEIA. Today, a group of colleagues and experts in the field from various countries have already joined me in the formation of this International Association. Likewise, groups, organizations, and companies are joining to support the initiative. The NOXTAK company, which I am a co-founder, has approved me to support this initiative with technical and human resources and initial financial support. And today I want to invite you to be part of this community and help us promote this educational and research initiative.
For over 10 years, I have treated and helped hundreds of people with EHS and have watched the condition increase year after year in more and more people. It appears that the increase in the background levels of microwave radiation is influencing the increase in EHS cases in a worrying way. But even EHS is not fully understood, nor recognized as the functional disability that it is, due to an electromagnetically toxic environment.
Today, I find out about people with severe EHS daily, whereas in past years these were rare cases that you could get one per month. Why the increase? Because of 5G? How many people have this problem and don’t know about it? This is precisely why we want to promote a Global Census, and you can help us in your community, your city, or your country. Organizations such as the IGEF and numerous specialists have already supported us in this initiative, but your participation could continue to help us help these people.
Today, the EFEIA is expanding and has increased support throughout the world to educate communities about the problem of electrosmog and, even more important, that there are ways to treat it and help many people if we continue to work to create clean technologies.
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