NOXTAK® Technologies


For All EMF Consultants, Building Biologists, EMF Researchers, RF Engineers, Tech Experts and Scientists trying to figure out what NOXTAK® is all about

In order to make it easier for you as a researcher, let us answer in advance the most common questions we have received from professionals like you:

Is NOXTAK® technology like a subtle energy device?

No. Our patented technology is a material that exhibits unique properties and behaves as a passive filter for EMFs. It can be wrongly perceived as an energy device when in reality is just a material that consists of films with magnetic properties of NPs (Nanoparticles) that produce a special effect in the spin particle polarization from artificial sources. The interaction of waves with this material results in a natural organization of particle spins.

How does your tech work to protect us from EMFs? Is it emitting a shield?

Our technology is not adding any extra energy to the environment. The EM radiation from artificial sources that interact with the properties of our SPIRO® material is filtered, taking out the disturbed artificial spin polarization of particles, allowing the particles to take a natural spin that is compatible with natural EMFs. This is the way our technology works.

So, the radiation in certain space gets organized as a response to an interaction with the properties related to the material. After this interaction, EM waves keep the natural magnetic ordering on their spins for a very short period of time until it collapses back again. In the process, if our material remains in a specific location of the space, it will build a magnetic momentum of the summatory nanomagnetism occurring in EM waves and it will show an action range several feet longer from the material when the effect is still occurring. That’s the reason why some of our EHS customers feel a sort of protection field within a specific space. 

So if that is so, explain the action range you mentioned in your products?

After several years of research and hundreds of case studies, we came up with an action range that is the response of the material in an open space where SPIRO (Spin Radiation Organizer System) remains present. This range changes and gets reduced or weakened in spaces separated by walls. The higher the density of the wall (type of material), the lesser the effect of SPIRO® reaches contiguous space where the material is not present.

Did you measure objectively that action range? How?

Yes. It is easily measurable in a research lab with a controlled environment. We did it by using different OTA and EMC Tests. But, more importantly we did it in the field (real conditions), where it is quite difficult, as there are several factors to take into account. For that reason, we simultaneously use multiple tools to measure properly, reduce the uncertainty, and confirm the passive filtering effect.

What type of tools do you use in real conditions?

RF software analysis and WiFi spectrum analysis, studying where the changes are shown in the signals propagation blueprint; and objectively with biophotonic environmental scan, using a specific antenna for spaces and a GDV camera.

Are biophotonic environmental scans a scientific method?

Yes. Actually, NOXTAK’s co-founder and inventor of SPIRO®, J. Joaquín Machado, who is an EMF researcher, made a thesis in 2021 at the UNEATLANTICO University (Universidad Europea del Atlántico), named “Dynamic evaluation of environmental energy and 4G LTE / 5G / WIFI / Bluetooth electromagnetic radiation and the effects on the environment with the application of SPIRO® filters” (Evaluación dinámica de la energía medioambiental y la radiación electromagnética 4G LTE / 5G / WIFI / Bluetooth y los efectos en el ambiente con la aplicación de los filtros SPIRO®).

The thesis received a recognition score by the professors due to its scientific rigor, and he proved the effectiveness to test SPIRO® with this technique using a GDV camera. The same conclusion was later observed by the inventor of GDV camera himself, Prof. Konstantin Korotkov, who has directly checked the functionality of the SPIRO® material in his lab.  

How do your products make these filtering processes you mentioned?

This happens because of the nanocomposite material SPIRO®, which consists of round films with patented formulation of metal alloys that exhibit a stable ferromagnetic behavior. Any EM waves interacting with the material will suffer a natural polarization in their spins without changing the trajectory of the waves, reducing noise level in the space and reducing RF interference, enhancing the quality of telecommunications as a consequence.

Did you test this reduction of noise and RF interference you mentioned?

Yes. When we install our products in commercial premises and offices, we usually use a RF spectrum analyzer or a WiFi spectrum analysis software to measure noise levels, interferences, and the radio transmitters antenna propagation patterns, allowing us to easily see changes after the implementation of our SPIRO® filters in the space. For instance, in most cases we can see changes in the:

  • Download Speed
  • Upload Speed
  • Troubleshooting: (High Level of Noise, Low download rate, Low upload rate), Noise Level, Signal-to-noise ratio

According to what you are saying, you are not blocking. So, what changes?

What changes is the fundamental disturbance in EM waves from artificial sources. According to our early research in electromagnetic pollution, we came to the conclusion that the findings alerted by scientist such as Dimitris J. Panagopoulos, Olle Johansson, and George L. Carlo on their paper “Polarization: A Key Difference between Man-made and Natural Electromagnetic Fields, in regard to Biological Activity” are the core of the EMF problem. So, if we are able to change this polarization back to a natural state, we will significantly reduce the risks associated with EM waves of artificial sources. 

Are you a promoter of the use of all technologies without precaution?

No. We truly believe in the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principle. But, at the same time, we believe that there is a way to build a new kind of electronics with less EMI and more human-friendly. Actually, our tech is aiming to become part of a new quality standard to manufacture electronics in the near future. 

Do you have independent studies published in scientific journals?

Yes. We have a double-blind clinical study published in the journal of Journal of Applied Biotechnology & Bioengineering that was performed on 50 subjects by the Saint-Petersburg Scientific- Research Institute for Physical Culture with the collaboration of the North-Western Medical University named after I. Mechnikov. 

The study consisted of measuring HRV (Heart Rate Variability)  balance, Sleep Quality, and Stress Index with a GDV camera. Both the HRV and Bio-Well methods showed the positive dynamics of indicators reflecting the growth of adaptive abilities, reserve possibilities, and vital energy of the organism, the degree of its homeostasis, and the decrease of stress indicators in the experimental group during 30 days of using the NOXTAK technology.

In contrast, in the control group, there was a reliable negative dynamic of these parameters for most participants. 

The experiment was conducted in Saint Petersburg, Russia, in the autumn of 2021 – during the unfavorable seasonal, climatic, and epidemiological period – the period of seasonal immunodeficiency and depression, which increased the significance of the results for the experimental group.

Did you test your products in EHS cases?

Yes. Actually, the foundation of this company started as a scientific research back in 2012 due to the lack of solutions for EHS people, as one of the founders suffered from severe EHS. The research project was launched around basic crowdfunding made around 34 EMF sensitive people in the islands of Aruba and Curacao between 2012 – 2014. 

Did any independent scientist or independent labs monitor the progress of the EHS cases you mentioned?

Yes. First, between 2014 and 2018, Dr. Robert M. Leal Lue, Ph.D. in clinical psychology, followed 144 cases of EHS individuals who were using our SPIRO products, read the article of the longitudinal study here. 

Simultaneously, between 2013 and 2015, the IGEF (Internationalen Gesellschaft für Elektrosmog-Forschung) conducted HRV tests on 20 cases of EMF sensitivity or EHS, and they verified how their HRV, that was significantly affected by EMFs, changed with time after using our tech (SPIRO® material), gradually achieving a normal and healthy HRV. In some cases, as soon as 3 days, and other severe cases with high exposure, in 27 days. You can read the articles here. 

Do you have any certification on the HRV test you mentioned?

Yes. Actually, after finishing their tests and reports, IGEF certified our products as tools to improve HRV and the healthy activity of the autonomic nervous system. They tested our specimens with EHS subjects in the exact use we claimed in order to measure their functionality according to our descriptions. 

Are you saying that you place the material in any location and is totally protected?

No. Actually, the material has a different response according to the type of radiation it is interacting with. For instance, for Radio Waves, the material requires, at least, one hour the first time it is placed in a space to get maximum response and build the longest action range possible. 

At the same time, for ELF / LF, it is required to be placed directly in the source generating the fields that need to be filtered out. So, in other words, for low-frequency radiation, the material needs to be directly interacting with the source and it will not work properly if it’s distant from the source. In the case of RF waves, after a while, the filtering effect is built in the space even if the material is not placed directly on the transmitters.

So, all the EHS case you claim you have helped, does that mean you treated them?

No. We do not treat EHS people, we guide them according to our experience to look for the type of help they need in order to recover, have a healthy life, and be able to coexist with these modern technologies. 

This entails a change of technology usage habits by following the ALARA principle, getting help from an environmental doctor or a specialist in functional medicine to help them with proper nutrition and detox protocols, suggesting them to check the quality of light on their home (avoiding flickering bulbs and blue light exposure), and verify the power quality and grounding. We also provide them a guide of how to use our tech to get the highest filtering effect. 

Our “treatment” is for the environment and, as a consequence, we improve the conditions for EHS people to get their symptoms relieved and health consequences avoided. The idea is for them to start or keep using technologies without the uncomfortable EHS symptoms and signs.