Electromagnetic fields are present everywhere, but they are not exactly a synonym for something negative. Here we explain you more about the differences of the EMFs according to their polarization.
Since humanity and the earth itself exists, our species and all nature has evolved immersed in electromagnetic fields (EMFs). All intercellular communication of all living organisms contains an electrical impulse, and therefore electromagnetic fields. Our nervous system, heart, muscles, and all the most basic biological and chemical processes of our existence are preceded by an electrical impulse.
With all this in mind, you should know that the term “electromagnetic field” does not imply anything negative. In fact, as we mentioned, life itself is nourished by electrical impulses, and that is why in medicine, the human body’s health and well-being are diagnosed with a large number of studies that analyze our organs’ electrical behavior, such as the electrocardiogram or the electroencephalogram. And there are also studies of the magnetic field generated as a result of these electrical impulses, such as magnetocardiography and magnetoencephalography.
In our previous articles, we have repeatedly mentioned EMFs, but we want to take advantage of this space to explain more about them and the differences they have according to their polarization.
What is an electromagnetic field?
First of all, you should know that there are electric and magnetic fields. These can come from artificial (man-made) sources or natural sources. Electric fields are created by differences in voltage (the higher the voltage, the stronger the resulting field), while magnetic fields are created when electric current flows (the higher the current, the stronger the magnetic field).
If the current flows, the intensity of the magnetic field will vary with energy consumption, but the intensity of the electric field will be constant (Extract from electromagnetic fields published by the WHO Regional Office for Europe in 1999).
Types of electromagnetic fields
As we have previously mentioned, electromagnetic fields (EMF) are present everywhere in our environment, but they are invisible to the human eye. There are two types of EMF:
– Natural electromagnetic fields: Electric fields are produced by the local accumulation of electrical charges in the atmosphere associated with thunderstorms. The Earth’s magnetic field, for example, makes the compass needle point North-South and is also used by birds and fish for navigation, because these species have highly sensitive electrical and magnetic receptors.
Furthermore, all plants, animals, and living organisms emit their own natural fields, because somehow, some subtle electrical charges flow through them. Nature has continually been immersed in fields of one kind or another. The largest fields in nature exert a magnetic dominance necessary for the proper development of new species. The conservation of species and natural ecosystems has a lot to do with maintaining a balance and harmonious interaction of natural fields.
– Artificial electromagnetic fields: In addition to natural sources, there are fields produced and emanating from man-made technologies in the electromagnetic spectrum, and these are the much-mentioned artificial fields. There are many types of artificial fields, as many as the number of existing technologies in the world; and year after year, we add more artificial fields to our environment.
These fields are distributed everywhere and wrap all the electrical wiring; but they do not emanate only through the outlets, they also come through the wiring. In the same way, all plugged electrical devices produce an artificial field, as do all electronic and wireless devices. Telecommunications, such as radio waves, TV antennas, cell phones, devices with WIFI connection, TV stations, radio stations, mobile phone base towers, control towers in airports, etc. also produce artificial fields.
Natural vs. artificial EMFs: biological effects
According to a report by Dimitris J. Panagopoulos, Olle Johansson, and George L. Carlo, there are a variety of biological effects that are triggered by exposure to artificial EMFs, especially radio frequency (RF), microwave, and extremely low frequencies (ELF). The registered biological effects range from alterations in the synthesis rates and intracellular concentrations of different biomolecules to damage in DNA and proteins that can cause cell death, decreased reproduction, or even cancer.
According to studies, the intensity of radiation and the duration of exposure to artificial EMFs are significantly less than those of exposures to natural EMFs to which we are normally exposed. For example, the intensity of solar electromagnetic radiation incident on a human body varies between 8 and 24 mW / cm2, while the intensity of a mobile phone on a human head during a call is normally less than 0.2 mW / cm2.
So why is one beneficial while the other seems detrimental? According to Panagopoulos, Johansson, and Carlo, well-known health scientists, the adverse biological action of artificial EMFs is due to the fact that they are polarized, unlike natural EMFs.
Based on these studies, our scientific research and development team in NOXTAK concluded that it is not only that natural fields are not polarized, because the preferred orientation of a field is not exclusively relegated to artificial fields, since elementary particles have their own polarization. That is, the real problem is not polarization itself, but the fact that it does not follow the natural and preferred oscillations and orientations of the particles. Basically, artificial polarization generates an imbalance of charges in the orientation of its elementary particles.
Artificially polarized EMFs (as opposed to naturally polarized EMFs) have the ability to induce forced oscillations in charged molecules within biological tissue. In this case, the result will be that all charged molecules will be forced to oscillate in phase with the field and in planes parallel to their polarization. Various oscillating electromagnetic fields of the same polarization can also cause interference within living tissue; making the body more susceptible to biological effects.
Basically, natural EMFs promote the evolution and development of organisms; while artificial ones, those generated by man-made technologies, create interference in the human body and force the particles to vibrate at their same frequency, thus generating harmful biological effects.
For many years, at Noxtak, we have dedicated ourselves to researching this topic and creating solutions that allow us to naturally repolarize artificial electromagnetic fields so that we can avoid harmful effects on the human body and the environment. Our purpose is to continue promoting the use of technology in a more friendly way with the human body and to promote the development of cleaner technologies.