NOXTAK® Technologies

Usage recommendations for the microwave oven


To avoid being exposed to the inherent risks of using the microwave oven, we suggest following these tips.

As we discussed in our previous article, there is no doubt that the microwave oven has been for many years one of the most used appliances: it has been the protagonist in the kitchens of millions of homes, in the lunch rooms of many companies and in many food chains. However, its use has been proven to cause adverse effects that could affect both the health and the integrity of the food.

It is important to note that the effects caused by this device are not only related to its heating method or the emission of microwaves, but also to the emission of electric and magnetic fields (EMF) that occur around it when used. Now, should you stop using your microwave oven for these reasons? The answer is no. The idea is to know the proper way to use it without having to worry about these effects.

To help you protect yourself, we have compiled a series of recommendations that will help you use your microwave oven more efficiently, cleanly and safely.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use

The instructions set in the device user manual indicate the safety precautions and recommended procedures for use. For example, some microwave ovens should not be used empty. Neither should water or liquids be heated for longer than indicated in the manual.

Other basic recommendations to take into account are:

  • Place the oven on a flat surface.
  • Do not block the vents to prevent overheating and damage.
  • Do not use the oven when the ring or turntable is not properly placed.
  • Clean with a soft damp cloth and mild detergents, as using strong degreasers can oxidize metals and therefore affect the oven operation.
  • When using the device, use containers specially made for microwaves. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) recommends using glass, ceramic, and plastic containers specifically for use in microwave ovens. Manufacturers do not recommend the use of some plastic containers, metal containers or aluminum foil, as these can damage the oven.

Precautions against potential microwave exposure

You have probably heard that there is a danger of microwaves escaping from the oven; but this was a greater risk in the earliest models of microwave ovens, as the most recent ones are more rigorously tested.

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), today’s ovens are intended to contain the microwaves within the oven and they are only produced when the oven is turned on and the door is closed. Leakage around or through the glass door is limited to a level far below that the level recommended by international standards. However, keep in mind that damaged, dirty, or modified microwave ovens may leak.

For this reason it is important to properly care for the oven to keep it in good condition. Be sure to frequently check that the door closes properly and the safety latch work properly to prevent microwaves spread while it’s open. Also, keep the door seal clean and check for any visible signs of damage to the seals or coating.

If you notice any failures in the door mechanisms or if you notice that some parts of the oven are damaged, do not use it until it has been checked and repaired by a qualified service engineer.

Forecasts against radiation

Many people worry about the radiation produced by the microwave oven, but their concern is poorly focused on the possible leakage of the radiation (microwaves) that the oven uses to heat the food; when in fact the harmful exposure comes from the electromagnetic fields (EMF) produced by the oven due to its electrical operation. Although it is true that the microwave oven is the element that produces the most electromagnetic pollution (EMF Pollution) in the kitchen, it is important to highlight that it’s not the only one and that, together with all the other appliances, the kitchen becomes a very important exposure center that must be taken care of.

This type of contamination in the kitchen is a contamination of fields associated with the electricity and, therefore, of very low frequency. These fields carry a disturbance of interference known as dirty electricity in the kitchen wiring (more on this topic in future articles). This has a harmful effect on health, and also reduces the useful life of electronic devices.

To avoid or reduce this type of contamination, we recommend extensions cords to be the last option to connect your household appliances in the kitchen. This is because the extension pulls the wiring out of the wall and increases the electric field you are exposed to; since the wall blocks the electrical fields of the wiring and we usually only deal with the magnetic field. With extension cords, this block would cease to exist, especially if we are talking about inappropriate or poor quality electrical cords.

In short, our recommendation is that, when the more electrical demand an appliance (such as the microwave) has, you should use a single power connection to hook it up. But in the rare event that you have to use an extension cord to connect one or more artifacts, be sure to find the one that has the necessary thickness, proper grounding, and the quality needed to protect yourself and the integrity of your appliances.

Noxtak technology in the use of the microwave oven

Taking into account that the microwave oven would be the largest element of electromagnetic contamination in the kitchen, we apply a filter with a greater range and influence that goes specifically where the microwave oven is; but also, due to its range of influence and capacity, it combines with all other household appliances in the kitchen.

The ideal product for this purpose is the L4 disc. Although we know that the necessary formula for a standard microwave oven is a card with 7 films, the L4 disc has 19 films, which allows it to have a greater range enough to handle contamination from all household appliances in the kitchen. L4 discs also filters high-frequency electromagnetic waves, and this is especially useful today, that all household appliances in the kitchen are getting smart and many are already connected via WIFI.

SPIRO filters have been shown to have a great ability to balance artificial polarization and the associated charges of electromagnetic waves. Therefore, an L2 card with its 3 films is capable of producing a balance of charges in the emissions of devices such as a cell phone. So why are so many films needed for a microwave oven? The answer is that we have measured the wave impulse produced by the microwave oven and we have conceived this formula thinking not only about the emission of electromagnetic fields around the oven, but also about balancing the polarized waves that heat the food in order to protect its nutritional content.

In the particular case of the kitchen, we also suggest the use of dirty power filters (or dirty electricity) so as not to decrease the useful life of the appliances and to make the devices work at its best capacity. Therefore, the recommended combo is a Stroom Master (dirty electricity filter) and an L4 disk, so that you can control all the contamination of household appliances and filter the contamination by dirty electricity that goes through the power lines; thus taking care not only of your health, but also preserving the correct operation of the devices and its durability.

For a decade, NOXTAK laboratories have investigated this topic and tested different microwave ovens to delve into a solution. Today we can affirm that this is the effective solution to the problem. Our technology, the first non blocking solution for EMFs based on real science, has been awarded multiple times, and it’s certified by independent laboratories.

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